Having a hard time deciding what to do.

Possible trigger warning so please read at own risk. I'm 34 years old and just recently had to go to the doctor for a psych eval. Not because I went crazy or anything, but because I have a problem with overeating/binge eating my emotions and I'm taking steps to get into a program to help. Anyway, upon talking to the psychiatrist, she was asking me about everything and questioned why I thought I turned to food for my emotions. I really didn't have an answer. I suggested after a bit that it could have been my 1st marriage, but thinking back to my child hood..... as far back as I could remember, it hit me. I was sexually abused by my uncle. Now, I honestly don't remember how old I was. If I had to guess I was maybe 5 to 7? Mind you at the time he was a teenager. I felt like I had an epiphany. It's like I had completely suppressed or forgotten that it even happened. From what I remember it happened 3 times. From what I recall there was never any sex...but everything else within those 3 times. Now, here's where it gets confusing for me. Every single weekend, we go to his and my aunt's house. My husband and him have become close friends the past 8 years we have been together. They're fishing buddies. And my aunt and I sit and hang out because we're close as well. (I also havent told my husband) I don't feel any differently toward my uncle, and in all honesty, I don't even know that saying anything is going to do anything but destroy my family. I don't know that it's worth it to me. And mostly because he is our landlord. I figure it could very well be the cause of my eating problem but I can't say for sure. It blew me away that after almost 30 years I finally remember?? I didn't mention it to my psychiatrist....I don't if know talking about it is part of healing....I'm not sure where to go or what yo do from here. Any advice is greatly appreciated.