Amazing support


So thankful for my doctors office and how much support they provide. I started yesterday morning and still today spotting. Very very light pink, I felt silly for even being worried really but at same time was so hard to ignore. Plus I had back pain last night and weird abdominal pressure, not cramping, just pressure. So I called my doctors office this morning and they got me in right away to do an ultrasound and urine screen for uti. I’m relieved to say everything is fine. Heart beat was stronger than the first time and growth looked on time. They could see where the bleeding was coming from and that it didn’t look concerning but I could still have some spotting. They told me if cramping does happen, get worse, or it turns bright red to call them. I cried of course cause these hormones and was relieved and the nurse just cheered along with me and was very comforting to my experience! Having a doctors office that makes you feel this way, is the most important part of this whole journey I’d have to say!! Just wanted to share so if any other moms to be are experiencing this, you aren’t alone and you aren’t crazy. Better to check and be sure than ignore things. 8w 5d today🌈🤰🏻