Nap monster!


OMG what happened to my sweet little napper!! My little girl seemed to be ready to transition to one nap because she would struggle to go down for her naps and would only take a 30 minute afternoon nap so we started pushing back her nap... night time wasn’t going well so we decided we wanted to go back to two naps after an exceptionally bad night... all of a sudden she will not be put into her crib without CLINGING to me or Dad and then crying... we sleep trained at 8 months, but if we let her cry now she just wakes herself up permanently... is anyone else dealing with something similar? She literally pointed at the glider today because she wanted me to hold her and rock with her!!

** Extra info... she got a couple shots the day she started clinging so idk if it’s a separation anxiety thing bc of the shots or what either 😫