All I wanted was glazed!!


All I wanted for a week and a half was glazed donuts.. Going to the grocery store and smelling all the food makes me nauseas so my SO has went. I literally asked for one thing cause I couldn't think about food and guess what that was...DONUTS!! Lol glazed he knows this we've been together for years. Well, first he brings home honey buns it's not the same I don't like honey buns cause of the texture. I didn't bother him or demand he go back out just dropped subtle hints all week " Hey next time you go shopping get glazed donuts" know real subtle lol.. Well today he went back out and bought donuts!!!!

A whopping 15 family pack of plain donuts.. I looked at him and was like.. " You had one job at the grocery store".. I laughed it off but I'm embarrassed to admit I kinda wanna cry lol.. I love him he tries I'm just making a snack run tomorrow it looks like. This isn't a craving I'm looking for a fix of glazed donuts at this point.