Please help!!! Baby won’t drink bottle anymore


My breastfeeding journey has been hard ..

from the beginning I struggled to latch her on my breast due to chapped nipples so I had to use the nipple shield for about 3 months . One night she just latched on by herself with out the nipple shield.

I was breastfeeding her but I noticed she was still hungry and I introduced the bottle with breastmilk and formula too. She took the bottle well , in fact she started liking the bottle more & my milk supply went down a lot and I had to pump and breastfeed more often . (I stopped using the bottles)

Now she’s 6 months , just started solid foods about a weeks ago & she’s got two teeth on the bottom . I don’t know if it has to do with the teething but she won’t take the bottle any more , I have the same bottles that she was using before .

My milk is almost drying up and I know she needs milk right now .

What is going on , why isn’t she drinking from a bottle now ??

I know I can continue to breastfeed her but I’m afraid one of these days my milk if just going to dry up and she won’t have any way to eat !!! I need my baby to be fed 😭 please help !

Thank you


Btw, she loved her pacifier a lot too and now she’s doing the same thing she does when I try to give her a bottle . She pushes it out with her tongue.