Progress Not Perfection


My adventure in personal health and fitness is best described as a rollercoaster ride!

The highs have been pretty high and the lows have been REALLY low.

After losing our first daughter at 7 months gestation I declined into my lowest of lows. I sank into a depression and was battling intense anxiety.

The birth of our second daughter brought me lots of joy, but I was still battling some dark demons. I wasn’t taking care of myself & it was catching up to me. I felt and looked tired, unmotivated, unhappy and unhealthy.

Recently I realized that in order to be the MOM and WIFE I want to be that I NEED to put MYSELF FIRST. 👍🏽 So here I am, taking charge, but more importantly taking it ONE DAY AT A TIME. I’m striving for the best me, and to do that I must appreciate the progress. 🧘‍♂️🙌 One week into my personal clean eating challenge and I’ve lost two inches in my waist, and an inch in my hips... 🥗🍓🍇 I haven’t stepped on a scale yet this week, but I have returned to my husband the belt that I’ve been borrowing 😂... It’s too big now! Yay!! 💪🏽👏

👌🏼 Remember it’s #progressnotperfection