30 next week

Nicole • Wishing and praying for #1 for 11 years now.

So next week is my 30th birthday. Of course my dream was to have kids by now. Hubby and I have been married for 8 years together 10. Ex and I were together 4 years. Never prevented pregancy but was actively trying until about 5 years ago. No pregnancies yet. Tried clomid last year with no success. My Dr. told my nothing else he could do for me and to see a specialist. This discouraged me because I felt like he didnt really do anything but put me on Clomid and my previous Dr just wanted to put me in bc. Anyways I stopped trying, deleted this app, stopped tracking. Tried my hardest to forget and not think about baby and think about other things. I did quit smoking so that's a plus. Also trying to become a foster parent to fill the void, not much luck on that. I just feel like now that I am going to be 30 and he is 36 our time has past.