I'm sure most girls do anyway...

Babs Uvula Who💀👻👽

Why do we choose to not be open about it with other people? I feel like most girls masturbate, but we won't ever speak about to each other. I've only ever talked about it openly with my best friend, we still talk about it suuuper freely, and me and my cousin have hinted about it, but never a serious sit down convo. I feel like, it makes the other seem thirsty and lonely, but it's just our human nature to do that. I don't live with a guy, and I don't want to particularly have sex yet... My family has brought me up with catholic teachings, (premarital sex is a sin) and I would like to wait, but everyone still has urges, and you aren't taking anyone's or losing your own virginity doing so. Idk I haven't seen anybody say anything about it, so I thought I'd be that person for my own sake😅😅😂😂