Fuck cancer!

Destiny • Amiyah Shae 11/19/17♥️

This women below is the strongest women I’ve ever known..she has survived her lung collapsing twice, in 2014 she had fallen and broken her hip and had to get surgery and had become septic and dropped down to 46 pounds, and we were told she wouldn’t survive because of how bad her condition was. September of that year she got better out of nowhere. Still had to learn how to walk and move the rest of her body again still being in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. Was diagnosed with “Mac disease and COPD” but she did it all. I couldn’t count the number of times this women has surprised with me with how strong she is. She has cheated death not once, not twice but three times. When she was really sick I made her pinky promise me she would at least make it to my graduation in 2017 and that she did. She said she always wanted to see my grow up and be a mother and again she did, I just had my daughter in November and she couldn’t love her anymore than I do. She went in the beginning of January to have a scan done on her lungs. They had found a spot but said it wasn’t bad because it hadn’t gotten bigger and it was still early so they were going to do more tests. Three days ago she went to get a biopsy on the spot. We got the call today that it was cancer in her “good lung” we go Wednesday to find out the options considering it’s still in the “early stages” that there might be hope. They said medicine might be able to treat it. She will be turning 69 in March and her health still isn’t good enough to be put under surgery once again.. so then being able to go in and take it out won’t be an option.. this women has raised me from the time I was born. She’s always been my best friend, my roll model, and my biggest supporter, but most importantly the best damn Grandma/mom I could’ve ever asked for. She’s been there every step of the way through my life and I have and will always be there for hers. My grandma is my bestfriend and always has been. She’s always been my “mom” we have a bond that’s not like anything else and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Not every one knows in my family yet so I can’t talk to anyone about this so I needed to vent to someone. I wouldn’t know what to do without her but know I need to be strong for not only myself and her but for my child. I know it’s going to be hard and be an emotional roller coaster but I just have to keep my head up and not think about the worse. I love you so much grandma, you’re stronger than you think💕 I love you so much♥️

- Exactly 3 years from when she had fallen.

My graduation May 18, 2017 (along with the pinky promise)

-My baby shower at 34 weeks

-my daughters first day home

I couldn’t be anymore happier to have the life I do with my grandma and wouldn’t change a single piece of it. She taught me that anything and everything is possible once you put your mind to it.


She had her first appointment today. We found out she not only has the cancer in the top of her “good lung” but she has several other lesions they they are concerned about but don’t think it’s cancer. She did however weigh 101!! She finally hit another milestone! She decided to go ahead and do radiation and she goes Monday to get fitted for the mold. I’m so glad she is going to try and get treatment.

The black inside is her lungs and the white spot inside of her lung is the cancer

Getting her picture taken

Signing the papers to start radiation