Missed periods, symptoms but negative tests...


Hi everyone. My fiancé and I have been TTC for over 2.5 years. He has kids with other people before me and I’ve never had kids (1 miscarriage about 16 years ago with my ex-husband). My periods are regularly as scheduled (off 2-3 days here and there) but for the most part, on time. My last menstrual cycle was November 30 - December 5 of last year. I haven’t had my period since. I’ve taken 2 pregnancy tests and they both turned out negative; one 3 weeks after my first missed period and the last one about a week ago. I don’t want to disappoint myself again by taking another test just for it to be negative again. I’ve done a lot of reading and research and although we all have different body reactions, I have all the symptoms that someone would have during their first trimester... nauseousness, being tired (I take naps after work now and I usually never ever do that), neck and shoulder ache, strong sense of smell and cravings. I also want to mention, I spotted (very lightly) for 2 days about a week ago but read that it’s normal during the first trimester.

Has/is anyone else gone/going through this? I feel so alone and don’t have a time to talk to. Thank you!