Should we cut off the bio moms mid week visits and keep it to weekends only?

There are currently no orders in place only a verbal agreement which is non legally binding. For the past 3 months my step children have been spending every second weekend with their Mother and Wednesday and Thursdy afternoons after school till 7.30pm. This is NOT working. Several occasions theyve been returned as late at 10.30pm without having been fed dinner. Sometimes she doesnt pick them up at all and I am left to have to run around and do 2 trips to pick them up as my car isnt big enough. Last Wednesday she gave me 5 minutes notice that she wasnt able to get them, this left me livid. I have been talking to her other ex's wife (step mom of her other kid) and theyre going for full custody at court (under a mediators recommendation) as she has a history of drug offences, is currently using heavy drugs, the kids all have sores on their bodies when they return and we suspect its from urine soaked mattress they all share that has no sheet on it. The kitchen had to be pressure washed and there is no oven due to a cockroach infestation. Their mother has no teeth left in her head and the kids have undergone general anesthesia to remove rotten baby teeth. This amongst other things is why theyre primarily with us... but the week day visits are causing issues for ME and my kids routine. I dont want to have to deal with it anymore. The weekend visits i think should also seize for a while but i cant make that call its up to my husband. Should i contact the mother and let her know week days wont be happening anymore as its just a fucking burden to me? My husband is too afraid to stand up to her he says he will talk to her but idk if he actually will. Im considering taking it upon myself to say enough is enough.

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