Sex drive changed

A little back story here. I’ve been on citalopram ever since I was around 16 and I’m now 24. The doctor took me off of it right before I turned 24 due to severe headaches that he thought were being caused by the medicine. When I was taking the medication I had a very high sex drive. I had to have it every day sometimes more than once and it was perfect. Since I have been off my fiancé makes comments about my sex drive being minimal to none now. I don’t want to have sex anymore. I have been trying to conceive for about 2 years and have had no luck. I believe that the failure to conceive has made me give up and not want to have sex any more. He always makes comments about how I need to go back on it because my mood was better and I wanted him more.

Should I go talk to my doctor about putting me back on the medication again or is there any natural way to get my drive back? The headaches never went away even after getting off of it. I want a baby so bad and I know that there’s only one way to make sure it happens... but with the way I feel I’m unsure I’m ever going to feel like I used to.