My poor husband😞

Kimmy • Story of my life.. ttc newly married💕

My husband and I have been ttc for 10 months. gosh its been so stressful for me. well we are in our fertile week here and been working a lot lately. so by the time we lay down. we are both so exhausted. well sex is not too fun when you are tired right?! last night my husband got into bed and was like are you ready.. goodness we were so tired. so I told him that it was ok that we didn't have to do it tonight. then he was like you know what babe?! it'll happen when its suppose to happen right?! I said yea. then he said It just may not be meant for me to have kids. as sad as it is to say. I never really pictured myself with kids. I know that he didn't mean that part. bc he always talks about wanting kids. I think he thinks that he's the problem bc I always go to the doctor and take vitamins and things. doctor says I'm fine. i feel so sad now. please pray for us. I just want to give my husband at least one child:'(