He made out with her in front of me


So I’m out with my husband shopping and I find this section of Christmas stuff on sale and I start perusing and find a few things.

I look up and my MiL is there and she asked me what I got but wasn’t listening to my reply, her back was to me and she started walking off.

So I turn to my husband and I’m like “what was that?” Because she is normally so attentive and sweet.

So my husband and I check out and are getting in the car and we run into an old high school friend of ours.

I said hi gave her a quick hug and got in the car, my husband talked to her about some old dj thing (which he NEVER told me about) then grabbed this wenches face and starts making out with her. Like I’m not in the fricking car watching him.

Then this man gets in the car turns to me and smiles.

I punched him... multiple times but it seemed not to hurt him which made me angrier

Then I woke up. I’m still so angry w him but sadly i can’t tell him yet because he is still asleep