Do you expect surprise gifts on Valentine’s Day?

same💩different🌅 • Just here to track my baby’s poops...oh and push the liberal agenda 😘

I see such different expectations! Of course, this generally applies to couples, but Valentine’s Day often includes giving valentines to our friends and family, too. What do you do, and what do you expect? Do you give out gifts or valentines? Do you expect roses and chocolates? If you don’t get what you expected, are you disappointed? If so, why? Do you ever just tell your SO what to get you?

I will start. I always say I expect nothing but find that I do expect a small gesture if I am in a relationship on Valentine’s Day. My husband will forget the holiday exists if I don’t remind him but is happy to partake. This year I demanded a rice cooker 😂 If he were to forget to get me something, I would tell him he needs a calendar and schedule a time to celebrate. I don’t have time to be mad about holidays anymore! Most years I try to give friends and coworkers little valentines with candy.

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