How do I feed her?


She has been able to hold her own head since a couple weeks after birth.

She always been alert and curious to everything around her.

She smackers her lips, stares, and she gum chews when watching us eat.

Shen sit after I position her on her bum.

She spits out the bottle when she is full.

she gets full then thirty minutes later needs another bottle because she is hungry again.

My poor baby has had a tooth bobbing for two months and that's fine but she can't stop drooling, she hasn't even been extremely fussy, just drooling.

I thought she was ready for solids so when I tried she made a disgusted face about the spoon and at first she ate a couple bites and then started spitting it all out. Even trying to feed her with my finger didn't help.. What am I doing wrong? How do I help her when she is so hungry?