Don’t want date night

My daughter will be 2 yrs this month. We have only gone on 2 date nights since she’s been born when visiting my parents out of state. My mother in law lives in town but she wasn’t helpful when she was an infant, and still acts like she has no clue what she’s doing and my daughter is a toddler now. Recently we were at her home and she almost (literally) let my girl get bit by their dog despite me telling them to put the dog away and she is not allowed around the dog.

My daughter is a preemie, and very challenging, and strong willed. She also has a speech delay so isn’t talking much (we are in SLT). My husband wants to go out for his bday and have my inlaws watch her. I’ve said no to this for almost two years due to their proven inability to handle her. I feel like it’s a lost battle at this point since I can’t hold out forever, but I’m STILL super uncomfortable leaving her with them. And I’ve told him this which just turns into big arguments lately. Any one else in the same boat or similar? Any suggestions or thoughts?

I know my relationship with my husband should be just as important, but not at the expense of my daughter safety.. and he doesn’t see it that way.