Very Emotional and Agitated -- Pregnant or Side Effect?

My husband and I have decided to take a break from trying due to costs of fertility treatments. January is my first month without clomid (clomaphine citrate) and I wasn't expecting any symptoms from stopping the hormones. But this past week, I've been inexplicably and uncontrollably weepy and in several instances, very agitated or angry. I don't normally experience mood swings to this degree with my PMS. Even when I was supposed to experience moodiness as a side effect of clomid, I didn't experience it.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this before? My period is due any day now, and my cycles fluctuate drastically from 24 day to 34 day cycles - so, I may very well be late but I also don't want to get too excited either as I am still only on cycle day 29. How common is this kind of moodiness when coming off the clomid? I am also thinking about seeing my PCP for an antidepressant or some sort of mood stabilizer, but want to wait for my period first, just in case we were finally this lucky. Anyone out there with any insights? Experience or medical background on this subject?