Ladies, is this going to work?

Catherine • TTC #1 @37 via IUI/IVF

Tomorrow is my second cycle of <a href="">IUI</a>. First round was not medicated, other than progesterone plugs. This time I asked for help... Did letrozole on days 3-7. Ultrasound yesterday (cd 13) showed a 20mm follicle on *each* side, plus a 16.4mm and a 13mm. Nice and even 1cm lining... RE wanted me to trigger that night for a cd15 <a href="">IUI</a> (tomorrow), but I couldn’t get the Ovidrel until today! Then everything fell into place this morning with a positive OPK and early arrival of the Ovidrel!

I’m 36 doing <a href="">IUI</a> with frozen donor sperm (my fiancée is out of the running), am very regular with no apparent issues.

Is this time the one?! Send me your good vibes!