Sexual Assault??


I cant get this off my mind so im deciding to ask you guys. My dad has a drinking problem. He always drinks and started when I was a child. My parents always fight and I would always be crying. Right now, its fine. As a child I slept with my parents for a long time. And when I was around 8 years old, my dad drank a little too much, and he touched me. Im pretty sure my mom was sleeping. My dad went inside my pajamas and started to touch my butt. Almost like massaging it. All i thought was, "now i know what he does to my mom.." And "he probably mistakes me for my mom." Now that im a little older, im starting to realize, how one can mistake a thicker butt for a skinner butt.. I haven't told anyone about this. He has never touched me after that, and acts like nothing happened. Im pretty sure he doesnt remember. I have never told anyone. Is this sexual assault and should I be worried, or is this something not too serious?