Affair...I need to talk about this...

A • ♡5 x 😇 Mommy♡ ♡1 x🌈 Mommy♡ ♡Stepmom♡

I know many people will not agree with me and find what I am doing is wrong. But, I need to talk about this. I need to get it out I am staying off Anon to hold myself accountable in a sense. I am 26, been with my bf for 3 year. However, I got pregnant with our son just 9 months after starting dating. Then, 7 1/2 months later our son was born. So, we really were not together long enough before getting pregnant to really learn eachother. Since, I have realized he is too immature in many ways I wont get into and frankly yes I know what I am doing could be considered immature. I am just not happy, can not see myself being with him the rest of my life and feel we made a mistake. I have met a wonderful, mature, incredibly intelligent, gifted man who has actually decided to take a chance on me (someone in a rough situation, baggage, disabilities when it comes to my vision and a fainting disorder). We met for the first time in person recently (in a public place) we talked about everything from politics to our childhoods for two hours in the freezing cold he walked with me and talked. He gave me his jacket in 8° weather just because I said I was cold even with my jacket. He didnt shutter. He said he wants to take things slowly and is in no hurry to rush as he does not want me to feel like I made another mistake eventually. I initiated a kiss and he kissed me in a way I have never felt before, he held me in his lap to keep me warm and I actually fell asleep on his shoulder a bit and he just...let me and stroked my hair... I want to be with this man. I need to be with this man. I just feel like so much of a burden with us meeting at such a transitional period in my life (I am starting a job soon so I can have the funds to leave my partner because with or without this other man I know I am going to leave, I am also learning to drive and finish school and of course taking care of my son) He swears up and down that he cares for me I truely believe him I just hate that my life has come to this faster than I ever realized. I am not looking for advice just talking I guess... thanks for reading about my mess