Birthing centers or not!


So, I’m doing research and I’m finding that there are no serious birthing centers in west Memphis that take Medicaid. The hospitals they have are old school. The hospitals in Memphis don’t offer water births and may or may not accept my insurance. My parents and family want me home in Michigan (Grand Rapids) where we have the BEST hospitals (Medical Mile). I want what’s best for my baby, but if I go home my family will smother me! I want to do this on my own. I want to be able to be a mother on my own. Idk what to do. It’s good to have a support system, but they are overly religious and are in midlife crisis. They have even told me that I’m just an incubator and that this is their baby! I don’t like this feeling, but I know I have more of a chance of having the kind of birth I want if I go home. Oh, and I just started a new job here. I just got settled and I don’t want to get a simple job doing pointless labor in my home town when I am doing administrative level work here in my field (Psychology). Help me!!!!