Lost and broken hearted

Grainne • Baby Riley💔👼🏻 Rainbow baby May 2019🌈

Hi all,

I wanted to share my story with others out there I hope you all don’t mind. Nov 2017 I found out I was pregnant At 7 weeks I started brown spotting which is what they call ‘old blood’ so nothing to worry. I demanded a scan from my doctor and so they grated my wish 7w 3d I got to see my baby’s heart beating and everything looking normal panic over they said that I was fine and able to wait for another five weeks for my 12 weeks scan

However shortly after this scan my baby died and my body didn’t tell me no signs no pains no bleeding nothing

At 11w the spotting started again just old blood again nothing to panic about they said at my local emergency room so they sent me home for a scan in 4 days time (my health system is crap) at the scan we were told my baby had died shortly after we seen his heartbeat and they gave me my options I told them I wanted a d&c; as I couldn’t pass my baby at home all alone and not knowing when it would happen

The thought of waiting every time i went to the toilet was in bearable for me to think of so I went for it and had so many complications the whole procedure. I was very ill few weeks back and they couldn’t put me asleep for it so I got a spinal to numb me from the waist down.

I lay awake on an operation table aware of what was going on around me and that they were removing my baby from my womb. I can honestly say it was the most awful and traumatic experience of my life. The procedure finally was complete and to me I felt like I was there a lifetime. It took at least an hour more than what it should have I was then left alone again in a recovery room awake and aware of everything surrounding me and what had just happened. I was well and truly heartbroken that my baby that I had prayed for had been taken away from me.

I was then moved to my room again we’re they kept me over night again because of the spinal injection and I lay there for 6 hours waiting for my legs to be able to move again wondering if I was ever going to be able to walk again ( they injected into my back 6 times because they couldn’t get it in right) and then sent home to heal physically, mentally and emotionally.

My main point is that I never seen the warning signs or my body didn’t want show me I took for granted that once you get those two lines that I was going to have a baby in my arms by the end of it.


It’s your baby and your body you know when something is wrong! I know if I had of known 5 weeks when my baby died it wouldn’t be any different outcome but now i am so angry that my body didn’t tell me sooner or shown me any of the signs. I feel less of a woman unable to carry my baby to full term.

Mummy’s beautiful angel Riley❤️👼🏻