My boyfriend has lied about his entire life

Recently, I’ve found my boyfriend lying about small things. But it turns out it’s a lot bigger than that. His parents pulled me aside and asked me if I knew about certain things. He told me he finished college and got his master. However, his parents told me he didn’t and that they had to send money to get him because he was homeless and no one knew what he was doing with his money. I found out he lied about having a job for a few months while we we’re together. I know eventually he did find another job but we don’t know if he is even working anymore. He owes people so much money. He has lied about literally everything to me, and his family. I have to pay for everything because he claims he leaves his wallet at home because he doesn’t want to spend money. He says he has a bank account and that his mom controlled his finance, however his mom doesn’t do such thing and she was curious if he even had a bank account.

Lately he been saying he is depressed, cries all the time but doesn’t really say why he just says he is stressed but when you ask him why all he says it was all when he started back at school.

I fell in love with this man he is the most caring and sweet guy I’ve ever met. I love him so much. However he lies about everything, literally. Even when you confront him about it. He tells you another lie, it hurts because I fell in love with this person but idk who he is. What do I do ? Do I just leave him ??

Update: I confronted him about everything, I laid everything out on the table. He came clean about all the lying. And told the truth, he even told me the truth to many things I didn’t even knew he lied about. I’m hurt beyond hurt, should I forgive? He is talking to his parents tomorrow and coming clean about everything.