Constant fighting

Here's why we fight:

1. On weekends he takes hours to reply back

2. If I reply late to his messages he accuses me of speaking to someone else

3. He says I over react because of #1 and that I'm just finding excuses to fight

4. He accused me of cheating when I haven't

5. He has kids from a previous relationship & I've asked to meet them if I'm supposedly going to marry him but he said its too soon & the kids arent ready

6. He won't let me meet them but wants me to come over while they're at his place & do everything we normally do but not tell them I'm his gf..

7. How Tf am I supposed to kiss him or hug him in front of the kids if they arent ready ? wouldn't they be more traumatized if some random woman kisses their dad without first meeting me at least ?

8. He got "sad" when i told him I didn't wanna meet his kids anymore then

9. He has social media but won't add me

10. Is constantly checking up on my social media but won't add me