Finding out I was pregnant

So back in November me and my partner got a shock when I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive after going to the doctors and finding out it was correct we booked an apartment to see the midwife and on the 1st of February we finally got see this little one for the first time and got told I’m 13weeks 5 days , have our second scan in March to find out what the sex is should be due sometime in August can’t wait to meet this little bundle of joy who loves having a little dance and jiggle in my stomach and who has brought me and my partner closer together and stronger than we where before 👶🏻yes everyone thought we where doing the wrong thing as I will just be going on 19 and my partner 22 and never in a million years did we plan or think about being young parents but what is done is done can’t go changing the past it was our decision