helppp :(

kaylin • keepin' it groovy

i feel like i'm going to sound like such a horrible person!!! but i've had an on again off again crush on my best friend's boyfriend for a long time :(( i literally hate myself for it but i have no idea what to do. they've been dating for a year but honestly i don't know how they've lasted,, she treats him horribly. & don't worry i'm one of many who say the exact same thing. he doesn't even see a future with her!! she's a sophomore (high school) & so am i but he's a senior. we just get along so greatly & we're so close & i get so mad at myself when i get feelings again. ik we 100% don't have a chance bc i wouldn't date him after they break up (girl code ofc + he definitely wouldn't have feelings for me) but i just needed to rant i guess & if anyone has any tips plssss help me out :(

ps: he's not the only guy i like, but feelings for him are always there i feel like so i just don't know what to do