IVF meds - online pharmacies?donations?

Ellie • TTC since Jan 2016. Severe endo. 2 CP (natural). 2 failed IUIs. First IVF loss @ 14wks, 2nd round both PGS abnormal, 3rd round BFP🌈 👶🤱 Arrived Jan 2019 🌈 With faith there is always hope. Praying for 2nd IVF miracle currently...

Hello all,

Someone reported my post last time, so reposting now without discussing what I have to donate. Bummed that someone would report too. It’s hard enough dealing with infertility and the loss of a baby.

We are about to start our second self pay <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> (we lost our little girl at 14wks due to Down syndrome in December) next month. The stim protocol is Gonal-F,Cetrotide,Lupron,Menopur. Since I have endometriosis, it takes higher doses and a longer stimulation period (almost 2 weeks last time) which is crazy expensive.

Has anyone purchased from any of the online <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> med pharmacy’s? Or canada? I’m a little scared to try considering the risk if they are ‘bad’

Also, I’m wondering what people do with there extra meds? Is there someplace people post info for this? Where can I find these groups people keep mentioning.

We have something left from our first round that I can’t take due to an allergic reaction too. Our NYC clinic doesn’t take or give donated meds sadly. Someone on the last post mentioned taking to Resolve, but they don’t seem to be local.

Wishing everyone going through this the best of luck! The whole process is so all consuming and draining, emotionally and financially. We need all the help we can get