Am I pregnant?


My symptoms

-sharp pain in right boob than transitioned to a burning went away but achey on both now subtly and My boobs haven't been achey since I've started birth control I've been on for about 8 months

-sharpe twinge than throbbing around ovaries of and on since last night and today ----------------------thought it was possibly cysts but what are the odds of me having both cysts on my boobs and ovaries in the same week

-stretching feeling in uterus

-at one point I did all of the sudden wake up with a lot of drainage I didn't even know I had

But that cleared up fairly quickly I thought it was strange since I didn't have any gradual indications of allergies or flu like symptoms

-I've been Farley tired and more cuddly then usual I feel like libido has gone down, not a lot but definitely noticeable to me..

I'd be really awesome if you guys tell me if one of these happened to you to when you noticed you might be pregnant and were.

Thanks guys!!