What does a guy mean

Right guys i need some advice here i have liked this guy for years he has also with me now we are both single and last year stuff between me and him heated up we have been sleeping together for awhile i backed off abit due to a few personal family issues i was dealing with. Now November time we started talking again really missed each other etc now we are both sorting our lives out for the better he wants the same things as me in life to finally settle down for me to provide a better life for me and my son we havnt slepted together since last year but theres still something there between us. Now we have spoken about stuff and i know he needs to sort his life out more but im not sure if hes playing me or is he really wanting to be with me from his words. He says hes not ready for a realationship "yet" still wants to see me etc but doesn't want out till hes were he needs to be and then says "but i dont eant you thinking im messing you about" Right guys what would you think to his words what does he mean ???