Help! Why are women so mean!?


Ladies, I need advice. I was laid off just before Thanksgiving and have been looking for the next step in my career. I’m an executive level woman who has survived more than most people can fathom. I use the things I’ve survived to encourage others and share hope in darkness. I’m fiercely passionate about encouraging people to see the best in who they are and showing them that anything is possible to overcome if we hold to a survivor stance instead of a victim one. I grew up as a Tom boy and was the poster child for the ugly duckling story:)

I learned through some pretty amazing “Moms” (friends moms and ladies I clung to) how to be a lady and have grace and class. I married young and dove into learning. Not having grown up with my mother, I struggled for years to find close female relationships. I can’t count the times I heard “when I first met you, I thought you were a snobby bitch, but you’re actually amazing”

I learned through these comments that it was a trust issue with women I had to overcome. Walls were up and I needed to work on that. So I did. I’m proud to say over the last two decades I have developed some amazing female friends that I would die for. They get me and get my story and the depths of what I have overcome and survived. But, it took time with them alone. A lot of time- to break their initial perception of me.

Here’s my dilemma....

I have been interviewing - with women:/

I walk into these interviews and I see them body check me.

They shut down before we even get to talk. I try my best to soften them and get them to open up to hearing me but I get no buy in:( i have tried not wearing makeup, dressing very plain, etc.

Anyone been through this?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated❤️

This is me...