orgasms lose intensity?

Sorry if this is TMI; wanna be descriptive to accurately relay my situation. (Also sorry, this is really long)

So I first "discovered" masturbation about a year and a half ago. I remember not even knowing if I actually was rubbing the right spot, and giving up after not feeling anything the first time I tried touching myself and felt ridiculous. The second time I tried touching myself, I was listening to some audio, narrated porn story thing, and really got lost in it and was surprised when I orgasmed. I remember it felt like waves were crashing over my head and body and my legs were all twitchy and it felt really good and I literally couldn't control my body for a couple seconds (I went all tense and shaky and my hand stopped rubbing) and afterwards I felt all warm and glowy and my clit and whole vagina area was just so so sensitive and if I tried touching myself within a couple minutes after orgasming I would twitch once involuntarily.

Anyways that's how I remember most of my first orgasms being like: really good, lost control of my body for a bit, took me at least 30 minutes of rubbing to get there, lasted probably 15-20 seconds?, I could "feel" it in my head as waves of pleasure just blanking out my mind for a short bit, super sensitive afterwards, and pleasurable "aftershocks" (4-5 mini waves of pleasure still going after I'd stopped moving and I could just lay there and enjoy them).

Of course this being over the summer when I had lots of free time with the house to myself, I wanted to feel that good really often and would masturbate probably every day or at least 3-4 times a week. Chasing that feeling of awesome pleasure meant that I kept wanting to reach orgasm sooner, make the feeling last longer, and start again as soon as possible after orgasming.

However. Over time this meant: rubbing harder, faster, and closer to my clit, until I literally rub straight on my clit now. Trying to keep control over myself through the orgasm in an effort to keep my hand moving and try to prolong the feeling. And trying to touch myself (without the sensitivity making this close to impossible as I used to just reflexively twitch away) sooner and sooner after I orgasmed, until now I can just keep touching myself immediately after with no problem.

This has resulted in: now my clit isn't as sensitive, I can rub directly on it, and pretty much have to if I want to get off. I reach orgasm quicker but also my orgasms last way shorter as well, pretty much just a quick burst of a feeling and then it's gone. I also no longer feel that awesome whole-body pleasure. I only feel the release of tension right at my crotch, my body seizes for like a millisecond and then it's over. There is no lingering sensitivity of my clit. Aftershocks are rare, smaller, and there's only like 1 or 2 of I get them.

This has been extremely frustrating and pretty unsatisfying, but I take what little I can get out of orgasming. I've tried looking up if other people's orgasms get less intense the more they masturbate, and this doesn't seem to be very common and the most prevalent advice is to hold off masturbating for a while then come back to it and it will be like new again. But I tried this, waiting a week back when I first started to notice the intensity waning. It absolutely had no effect. So I went back to normal, masturbating 2-3 times a week (school has started back up by this time).

And if you think a week is too short of a wait, I know I've at least waited two weeks straight, multiple times, because I don't masturbate on my period (grosses me out, and bits of blood dry up and flake off and it makes it gritty against my clit and painful) and kind of lose my drive to masturbate a little before and a little after my period. When I start up again it's still unfulfilling.

My boyfriend says it's strange this happened to me and that he has been masturbating for years longer than I have and his orgasms got better for him over time. But I know guys' experiences and orgasms are probably different.

Also, I've tried changing up other things too: spot to rub, rubbing+fingering with other hand (and trying different numbers of fingers there), pillows under my back, legs position, using this vibrating back massager thing, masturbating in the shower/with the shower head, with lube; watching all kinds of genres of porn, watching animated porn, listening to just audio porn, doing it in silence and just imagining up things on my own... nothing seems to work at getting me back to feeling as amazing as I did when I was first starting out.

CAN ANYONE RELATE TO THIS, having their orgasms just fizzle??