Stressed out and high blood pressure at 10 weeks

My ex and I recently lost our son at 20 weeks due to an incompetent cervix. Shortly there after I became pregnant again. However in this pregnancy I was spotting early on and had to go to the ER. At that time, my child’s father was adamant that he did not want to spend new years at the hospital so I ended up going with my mom. A few days later I called him and kinda yelled at him for not being there for me and how angry and abandoned it made me feel. A couple days later he broke up with me due to the argument. Fast forward. After the break up he literally wants nothing to do with me, when I call him to talk about the pregnancy he literally yells at me. My blood pressure is extremely high and I cannot afford to stress, but I keep calling and texting him like a fool. I’m so emotional and distraught by this. Not sure what to do.