Tempting at differences of 15-30 min

Maddy • 31 • Married to the love of my life • Mom of 2 boys • Pregnant with boy #3

Hey! I’m new to charting. I work weekends so on sat and sun I get up at 4:20am and take my temp.

However, during the week I have set my alarm for 5am, but keep waking up around 4:30-4:45 before my alarm goes off. Because of this, I have taken my temp since I knew I would have trouble going back to sleep and not having time to get another 3 hours of solid sleep because I must be up at 6am to get my son ready for school. How much would this throw my chart off, if any at all?

I would prefer not to have to wake up at 4:20am mon-fri just because that’s what I HAVE to do when I work. That’s just too dang early!