16 month old keeps waking at night

Regina • Expecting #1 Oct '16, Married '11👻✌🎀

Hi Moms,

I'm wondering if anyone else went through or is going through something similar.

my daughter used to sleep through the night, in her crib in her room. There might have been an early wake up but she'd go back to sleep within minutes.

In the past couple of weeks she started waking up between 1 and 3 AM and won't go back to sleep for nearly 2hrs. I've been trying all sorts of things, she wakes up screaming hysterically and won't let me put her back in her crib after I check on her. I usually wait a few minutes, but she's so hysterical, she can't calm herself. I try to soothe her, put her back, give her time to settle herself, rinse and repeat. Most nights she ends up in our bed, where she still is awake but calm at least.

any tips on. how to get through this?

she did just have strep throat and an ear infection, and it started after the strep throat.