Who’s 5 months old today?!?!


My Sweet Baby Mya,

We are amazed by all the new things you do. From rolling over from time to time, to pushing off the bed so you can lean and stand next to daddy. You drool like crazy and talk a mile a minute when you get going. You’re starting to sit up on your own and have been eating baby food for almost a month now. I can not believe how quickly you are growing. Slow down my sweet. Daddy and I love you so much big girl. 5 months old....(sigh). I’m so proud to be your mommy. My happy happy baby. Happy 5 months!!

❤️❤️❤️, your mommy

#myaleighhinton #happybaby #5monthsold

** Please share if you’re little one turned 5mos today or just recently.