Do i have anxiety? Is it ruining my life? What do i do?


Hey y'all. So this is my first time posting on here but it's about something that's been bothering me. I think i might have anxiety disorder. A little back story. I'm 19 years old, I'm African American. I'm a really shy but sweet person and I'm the goofiest once i get to know you. I come from an abusive background. My stepdad that is. So i guess i have a little ptsd when it comes to arguing and letting others down because all i knew when those things would happen was fear and pain. Ive had this on mind for some years now. The slightest of things can set me off. For example whenever my boyfriend and i get into arguments i shut down completely and my heart starts beating super fast, i get trembly, and one million and two thoughts start racing through my head. I'm learning to control that but it was so bad that we've broken up because of it. Another example is when it come to meeting new people or starting a new job. I basically have to talk to my self to tell myself they're just people and it doesn't matter what they think of you. Sometimes i even burst into tears because i can't understand why i feel the way i do. Is it anxiety. My family doesn't believe in mental illness so I've been battling this with the help of my boyfriend. I need to know so i can know what to do.