Pcos problems


About a year ago I was diagnosed with pcos and 3 months ago my doctor thought it was best to give me the depo injection without telling me anything about it, let’s just say it turned me into a psychopath I couldn’t control my moods at all one min I would be crying over nothing and the next I was screaming at everyone over the littlest thing. For that last month on the injection I was on my period and and only have just come off (sort of) still get spottings. But the pain I’m going though since the injection has stopped is unbearable the pain started about a week after the injection had stopped , my lower back is constantly throbbing and I am getting belly pains and I’m always tired. I want to have a baby in the near future. But I have no idea what to do to help my body I’m 18 years old and I have tried a lot of things but nothing seems to work and all the doctors want to do it just try different contraceptions.

What do I do ?? How can I improve the chances of becoming pregnant Is there anyone going though the same that might have any tips or things have done that works i don’t know what to do