What should I do? Advice greatly needed!

So me and my fiancé began to date at the beginning of last year, 2017, and we dated til school began in August. When he moved away for school and I moved out of my parents house and was on my own for the first time. Around Christmas he came down to where I was staying. (Over 2 hour drive) and we went to see a movie and ate dinner than sat outside my house for almost an hour talking. We couldn’t help the feelings we had for each other and briefly talked about getting back together, but we went our separate ways and just texted through out the following week. New Years came and went, then the 2nd January he was about 40 minutes away from where I lived visiting someone and he told me to get ready Bc he was taking me out. I get dress and we go out. All through out the night we speak of me moving in w him. It seems a little much in such a short period of time but the love I have for this man is indescribable so I agreed and he was to pick me up the following Saturday with my bags packed. Well things changed and I got into a fight w my roommate and he ended up coming to get me the following night. Ever thing was easy breezy. We are so happy. Everything was smooth sailing . So much so that he proposed on the 6th. Of course I said yes. I believe we are meant to be together. I’ve never felt this way towards anyone. And I’ve had my far share of relationships, don’t get me wrong. But he was different. There was something about him, something I admire so much. It’s been over a month since he proposed. And this past week has been absolute hell. Okay I say that and realize it’s not even that bad, we just have our moment which I know all couples do. Let me explain why I’m writing this post. We just got home from the grocery store and I’m in the tub sobbing Bc I feel like I’m totally in the wrong but my feeling are also hurt and I’m lost. I don’t know what to do anymore. One moment he makes me so incredibly happy. But when he’s not making me happy he makes me absolutely hate myself. He puts me down like no one has before. When we were passing the flower section at the store I simply asked him to smell this set of flowers and he looked at me like I was a disappointed. Like I shouldn’t have asked him to smell them and just went to the checkout line with him. So I just went to checkout and calmly said “see it’s things like that that make me feel like things I say don’t matter to you. All I wanted you to do was to smell the flower” and he ignored me paid and walked off with the bag. We got into the car and he started to gripe at me for making him feel bad for saying I don’t feel like he cares about what I say. Ik ik this sounds childish . Bc it is. But he yells and me and puts me down and make me feel absolutely stupid for even looking at the flowers and wanting to smell them. And after making me so upset for something so little he makes it ten times worst by not caring about the fact he has hurt me so much. I never get an apology Bc it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have said what I did and none of this would have happened. I wouldn’t be crying rn if I didn’t ask him to smell the flower. But at the end of the day he makes me so so. Happy . This happens maybe once a week this past week almost every other day and idk what to do. The things he says to me make me wanna leave. Just run away and hid out in a cave and never speak to anyone. I feel worthless and stupid. What do I do?? Do I tough it out? He’s been stressed Bc school and he started his new job but I don’t think that’s a good reason. Someone help me pleaseee!! Sorry for this being a million pages long 😩😩