IUD insertion....


So I would like to start by saying that this weeks period has been hell. I would also like to state that because, of the more than usual abnormality of this weeks period is why I am where I am. To start with I have a high pain tolerance and I also deal with pain by getting angry. So it should come as no suprise that during this process I cussed like the Fucking proper lady I am. So earlier this week I went in and got my first pap smear done since I was 20 and I am 25, side note I'm a very lazy and busy individual. So when it comes to things like every year check ups they don't always get done. So today I went in to get my Kyleena implanted. My mentality was lets get this over with. So everything was pretty much like my pap smear as far as the pain went, at the beginning. When my doctor went to insert the IUD she had to dialate my cervix. Well my cervix didn't stay dialated and therefore had to be dilated again and held open. So an acurate description of my pain for about 2 minutes could be likened to having a tazer shoved up my vagina to my cervix with someone activating the tazer for the duration of the implanting. Then of course afterwards I pretty much immediately got up, got dressed, and tried to walk out. So my dumbass blacked out. However, I now have the possibility of no periods and no little monsters for 5 years, so the pain is definetly worth it.