Advice, please.

Cassy • Mom to a crazy toddler boy 👦🏻 TTC Baby #2

I was just officially diagnosed with PCOS. I was told when I was younger I may be diagnosed with it. Have insulin resistance and took metformin in 6th grade. We were managing things without it and I went off it until college. I started taking it again, but couldn’t handle the side effects. I’ve never had trouble with my periods. Until recently I’d only ever skipped like 2 cycles. I wasn’t like clock work, but had at least one a month. I just got married and went off birth control and things stopped working right. I haven’t had an actual period since September. Went to the GYN and did tests all my levels are normal except insulin so she started me on metformin. Hoping that I start to regulate with just metformin. Has this happened to anyone else? How long did it take your periods to start again? Did you have to take something else to get it there?