diganosed with pcos


I got a call yesterday for the results of my ultrasound and I have PCOS. I've done a lot of research. I know there's no definitive way to treat and get rid of PCOS, but many people have "treated" it naturally by having a low carb, low sugar diet and just eating healthier in general along with exercising everyday. in doing so they have gotten back to regular periods and after doing another ultrasound have been undiagnosed with PCOS, meaning they do not have it anymore.


know that PCOS doesn't go away for all people even after losing all the weight and eating right, etc. but hopefully it will at least help. besides there's really no harm in eating right and exercising.

my plan is to start officially on Monday. my rules/guidelines will be:

no added sugar/as little as possible

no desserts

no "white" grains

no eating past 7pm

no day food/eating out (only exception is if I'm out with family or friends and I won't get back before 7pm)

no junk food

eat as little processed foods as possible

way at least one fruit or vegetable a day (extra points if I have a serving of both)

drink lots of water

no sugary drinks

what I'm going to do for exercise are as follows:

Monday: yoga and weights

Tuesday: dance/Zumba

wensday: walk

Thursday: badminton and weights

Friday: basketball

Saturday: yoga

Sunday: walk

*30 minutes of each activity*

*if raining/bad weather I will go to the gym, do zumba, walk around house, or do a YouTube workout video

now since my elbow is currently broken I plan to just walk everyday until it's healed

I will weigh myself and do before pictures Monday as that's when I'm starting as my goal is to lose weight than maintain the weight lots and still maintain a healthy lifestyle and an active one