
Boy problems. Should I stay or move on?

I love my boyfriend, I really do. We've been together almost a year but I'm just not passionate about him anymore. I love him as a friend, I just don't think the romance is there. Lately though, I've been thinking about a past love interest. My current boyfriend just sits at home and watches YouTube and plays video games. Never sees friends or anything. The guy I've been thinking about has a job and his license and is much more put together. I have been considering breaking up with my boyfriend but I'm afraid I'll really miss him. Him and his family have been apart of my life for years before we started dating so it's hard for me to break that off. I just crave excitement and happiness but its just not something he can provide for me. I've already talked to my boyfriend about our issues and my issues with us but it seems like nothing changes. It's been three months that I've been considering the break up. Should I just break up with him and then talk to the guy I've been thinking about and see if we still have things in common? Or would it be wrong to just tell the guy I've been thinking about how I feel about him before ending it with my boyfriend? I know there are more options and the ones I'm considering are sort of wrong but I really don't know what to do.