I’m broken

I’m sad. I’m broken. I’m ugly. I’m 15 and I’ve never had a boyfriend or my 1st kiss. I have maybe 2 true friends. I’m a loser. I’m fat. My boobs are uneven. I have stretch marks of my stomach. My face is chubby and always red. I just got rejected by yet another guy. My friends say that I’m overreacting and that it’s not that big of a deal. They don’t know how broken I am. They don’t know how my sadness has been building inside of me and that this was the icing on top of the cake. I’m a nobody. Even my parents don’t like me. Lately they’ve been too busy doing “grown up things” to even notice me. I’m not good at school and I dont like talking to people I don’t know. All I really want to do right now is get drunk and cry. I have a lot of family problems right now and I just need an escape. I know it’s wrong to drink but it makes me feel so much better. Sorry for the long post. Once I started writing I couldn’t stop and it’s actually making me feel a little bit better.

Update: Thank you to everyone who left such kind comments!! I am feeling a lot better. I am going to try to work on my confidence and follow the advice y’all gave💗 I don’t know why but lately I’ve been having the worst mood swings. I think I read on here that it’s called pre-pms and it sucks!! Anyway thank you all so much again💗