I might just lose it...

Jessica • Expecting the best Christmas present ever!

My husband and I have been ttc for about 17 months and We have sex like rabbits. We had a miscarriage in September. I'm at my peak of ovulation right now and we had sex 4 times today and twice yesterday...if I don't conceive this month I'm going to lose my ever loving mind! This whole thing has had me so discouraged lately that my Dr noticed and asked me if I wanted to see a counselor. My response was well is the counselor going to get me pregnant? That's all I want but with my husband of course. Something that comes so easy for so many women. I just want one little angel to hold I my arms. Please please please Lord hear our prayers. My heart goes out to all of you who have been trying for so long. It is very difficult to keep your chin up after a while.