Depression help

I’ve struggled with depression for as long as I can remember. When I was 13 I started using drugs which helped hide that a lot. I stayed high because feeling numb was better than wanting to kill myself. My mom was the type that didn’t believe in getting me help because when she battled depression growing up she didn’t get it so that meant I just had to suffer alone. When I turned 18 I started taking medication. Fast forward to now, 2 weeks after giving birth, I’m more depressed than ever. I was aloud to stay on the medicine while pregnant because of how I felt when I was off it, I knew I was going to harm myself. Anyway, I called my ob to see if I could get some medicine. They told me to call my family doctor. I called my fam dr & they said they will not set me up an appt until im done seeing my ob (4 more weeks) & completely off the medicines I’m currently from healing from csection. If anyone can give me any advice or some positivity that’d be greatly appreciated. I can’t be a good mom when I’m feeling like I don’t want to even be around anymore but no one is helping me & I have no one to talk to.