He said sorry so...

Brooklyn • Welp, I’m pretty gay

A few months ago I decided I’d try boys to see if I was Bi or not

I got myself a boyfriend and everything went down hill from that exact moment

I’m not over affectionate and I’m not into gluing my significant other to my side so no one can look at them. but that’s exactly what he did

At the time I wasn’t too experienced in having such an open relationship because I always just dated girls and had to hide it to be safe

And the moment I said “sure let’s date” he forced many kisses on me

It was making me uncomfortable but I was so overwhelmed with happiness I didn’t tell him to stop. About a week later innocent little ol’ me invited him over to watch movies

Lmao forgot netflix and chill was a thing

So anyway he forced my first tongue kiss after I told him I wasn’t comfortable with doing that so early in our relationship but still, forced his tongue into my mouth

And about a week after that one afternoon after school I suggested we hang out the park before walking home together and I was sitting on the swing and, once again, I’d forgotten that boys can be rather forward with relationships getting physical

He started lifting up my shirt, at first I though he was playing cause he had cold hand and was putting them all over my back but then he unlatched my bra and I realised this was much more mature than just cold hands joking around kinda thing

So, 14 year old me was kinda standing there starting to get uncomfortable with what he was doing

I didn’t say anything straight away because I’m his girlfriend right? You’re supposed to let this stuff happen right?

But then He starts groping my boobs and he had his arm around me so pushing away was a little hard and I was very obviously pushing away and when i finally told him to stop cause I was really uncomfortable he wouldn’t stop till I physically broke away from him

We walked home in silence and when I got home he had messaged me and said sorry about it but I was wondering if it was really ok for him to just touch me like and kiss me like that without asking first