Hopeless Crush 🙂🔫

Sydney • always gonna need guidance

He’s a senior and I’m a junior but we have a LOT of classes together due to the fact that I take senior APs. I literally see him all damn day (Which doesn’t make my feelings for him even better). At first we started off super friendly, we had a bunch of mutual friends so that’s expected but as the school year went on i realized that I’ve Grown to realllllyyy like him.

(First time I was like “hot damn” was when he wore this tight white shirt that showed all his muscles 🤤🤤)

Anyway, problem is... he has a WHOLE girlfriend. I’m not that girl that would want to get in the middle because it’s happened to me and it sucks. I find myself dropping conversations about relationships with our friends when we’re together to see if they’re still a thing - and it always starts with “oh yeah my gf-“ 🙃🙃🙃🙃.

How do I get this guy out of my mind, bc my heart really can’t take this anymore.

(Stop seeing him ain’t an option either unless I get a full schedule change lol)