“so you mean to tell me i almost died & nobody knows why”

Nuri • 21 | Cosmetologist | Boston | Pisces | 🇩🇴🇵🇷

Okay so I got the Mirena iUD on January 8th of this year. All went well, normal cramping & bleeding. My doctor told me if i ever wanted to feel inside for the strings i could, but i never did. I had a follow up appointment February 8th just to make sure everything was going well. So here I am in the doctors room, laying on my back, legs open & my doctor has the audacity to tell me it’s out of place & she has to take it out & put a new one in like NO, i didn’t come here mentally prepared for another iUD implant! but there i am, still laying there, TRYING to mentally prepare myself for another iUD implant. she continued to ask if i had any pain while the iUD wasn’t in place & i said no & she said that was surprising ; fast forward to when she finished putting the new implant in. i felt perfectly fine as the procedure was going on, i even felt fine getting dressed again.. it was when i walked to the nurses station to book another appointment that fine wasn’t so fine anymore. i started to feel dizzy, i lost my vision for 30 seconds, i couldn’t stand on my own & instead of just waiting to fall, i just placed myself on the floor, my body kept getting hot & cold changing every 5 seconds. i didn’t understand what was going on. they checked my blood pressure & everything else & told me all was well.. so you mean to tell me i almost just died & nobody knows why? 🤦🏼‍♀️