feeling him only at night

Ray • Teen Mom with baby #1 💓👶

has anyone else been prego with a boy and only feel him at night? hes up during the day a little but at night he is up until like morning. i kinda get worried but i wanna know if someone had had the same problem. He moves sooo much during the night but never really during thr day.

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mine is like that he's almost completely nocturnal. might have something to do with the movement of walking around during the day lulls them to sleep but the lack of movement when you're laying down or trying to sleep allows them to stay awake


Ray • Feb 12, 2018
that could be true! thankyou!


Posted at
It’s pretty normal. You have to imagine, during the day you move around and do more so he gets rocked and soothed..then at night he’s rested up and ready to play. It was the same with my daughter most of the time.


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It started out like that for me but when 26 ish weeks hit i could start feeling him throughout the day too. How far along are you?


Ray • Feb 12, 2018
i am 28 weeks and 1 day today